Gwent League Logo

The John H Collins Gwent Cross Country League

Staging a Fixture

The Gwent League relies on individual clubs and institutions to stage each fixture, and we are always looking for new venues and hosts. In return, the league reimburses all expenses, and pays the hosting club an additional £750 (as agreed at the 2023 AGM) as a 'thank-you'.

In outline, the league provides all the start and finish officials, mans the registration desks, provides the finish disks, and processes the results. The host club will need to plan and book all facities, and provide the manpower and materials for marking and marsalling the course.

Steve Grant organised the very successful Gwent League match at Chepstow Racecourse in February 2020, and afterwards wrote this comprehensive guide to Organising a Gwent League Match.

If you think that your club might be interested in putting on a fixture, do please contact the chairman. If you feel some aspects of staging the fixture might be problematic, please discuss them with us, as we may be able to suggest a work-around.